I’m a MASSIVE fan of getagent.co.uk and what they stand for. I think they are literally going to change the industry.
They’re all about finding an estate agent you can TRUST and who will do the BEST job in selling your home based on PAST PERFORMANCE. Past performance being the important bit.
Any muppet can walk into your house and tell you it’s worth 10% more than it actually is but with getagent, they’ll be rumbled.
Getagent tracks an estate agencies ‘time on market’ and ‘% of asking price achieved’ and makes it public to the world on their website.
Give it a try for agents you are thinking of contacting or maybe the agent you are currently on the market with.
Here’s what you need to do:
- Visit HERE
- Scroll all the way to the bottom
- Click on UK Estate Agents
- Search for the estate agent and click on them
- Look at their track record
All the best,
p.s. Would you like more impartial advice? Head on over to my FREE eGuides page by clicking here.